Nelson Mandela Reader Author Launch
Wed, Jul 28
The Nelson Mandela Reader celebrates and remind us of the importance of information ethics, freedom of expression and freedom of access to information. These themes are now more important than ever, especially following in the wake of the global Covid-19 pandemic and resulting infodemic.

Time & Location
Jul 28, 2021, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. GMT+2
About the Event
The idea for the following Reader arose during the International Policy Dialogue on IFAP Priority Areas focused on BRICS conference held in Cape Town on July 4-6, 2018. The conference was organized in partnership between UNESCO’s Information for All Programme (IFAP) and the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE) of the University of Pretoria and included representatives from all five BRICS nations.
The conference organizers hosted a guided visit for the participants to Robben Island, the prison site of former South African president Nelson Mandela. The guide recapitulated Mandela’s life and struggle for freedom in South Africa as well as the common political goals of both Mandela and his predecessor, Frederik Willem de Klerk, to overcome apartheid.
The confluence of South African history culminating in Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom is not unlike similar situations in other societies and can be reflected on to provide a sense of orientation in 'language struggles' that are at the same time political, economic and, last but not least, cultural.
This event will provide a platform for the authors to discuss their contributions and what Nelson Mandela and his legacy mean to them. For more information on the Nelson Mandela Reader, please visit: