The foundations of the International Center for Information Ethics are built on multiple disciplines. The ICIE community-led philosophy advocates a self-governed community whose success is dependant on the collaborative wisdom and ongoing contributions of its membership, sponsors and supporters, both monetarily and otherwise. Sponsors of ICIE must reflect ICIE community values, including the value of responsible stewardship of knowledge and its dissemination. ICIE actively seeks, and partners with, sponsors that inform, engage and inspire. All ICIE sponsors are considered a valuable part of the ICIE community and share in its vision to advance ethical and responsible engagement with, and access to, information cultures. In return for their support, ICIE sponsors are welcome partners at all ICIE events, being advocated for at conferences, symposiums and through ICIE supported programs. In addition, sponsors of ICIE are actively promoted throughout the ICIE community and website, including related and appropriate pages, landing pages, and forum discussions. To become an ICIE sponsor, please contact the ICIE administration under the subject 'sponsorship'.